Playground lesson

Most kids Johnny’s age loved to watch TV or watch YouTube on the computer. But Johnny was different because he loved to spend his time looking out the window. Across the street was the most amazing playground, and he envied all the kids who were lucky enough to play there. Johnny had never been on a playground before, and so he did not know how to slide down a slide, how to climb monkey bars, or how to swing very high. But he really wanted to learn.

So, one day, Johnny gathered his courage and asked his parents if he could go to the playground. Now, his parents were very careful people, and they took a long time to consider all the pros and cons of such an escapade. But, in the end, they said, “Johnny, we are here for you. Whatever you need, we will get it for you.” And indeed, this made Johnny very happy, which made his parents very happy.

The next day was warm and bright, a perfect day for going to the playground. The parents gathered food in case they got hungry, umbrellas if it started to rain, and a large blanket they could rest on. Then, they proceeded down the sidewalk together, hand in hand in hand. As they walked, the parents pointed out the different signs and explained how these were important to keep everyone safe. They obeyed all of the signs and after crossing the street, they arrived safely at the park.

Johnny was eager to play, but before he could, the parents sat him down on the large blanket and explained how to remain safe on the playground equipment. They pointed out appropriate and inappropriate behaviour, and they even tested Johnny, asking him questions and making sure he understood. When he answered the questions to the parents’ satisfaction, he was given the nod and joined the other kids on the equipment, a big smile on his face.

At first, Johnny struggled to do what the other children could do, but he was so excited that this did not bother him. And the more he tried, keeping in mind all of the safety rules taught by his parents, the better he became. Before long, he was quite the little expert, climbing and swinging and jumping like an expert. It was a perfect day, and when it was all done, they walked back home as a family, laughing and talking about the many wonderful things that had happened in the park.

For many weeks, Johnny and his family enjoyed the park together whenever possible. But one day, something frightening happened. While the parents were talking together, both sitting on the large blanket and enjoying the sunshine of each other’s company, Johnny decided to do something risky. Urged on by the kids around him, he climbed to the very top of the playground equipment, much higher than any kid was allowed to climb, and he was sitting on the roof in triumph.

When the parents looked up and saw their son at such an alarming height, they cried out in fear and shouted to Johnny that he must come down immediately. At first, Johnny did not want to do so, but after many threats of no dessert and no TV time, he finally relented and came down to the big blanket, much to the relief of the parents.

The parents were also very angry, and asked him why he would do such a thing, why he would break the rules that were made so clear to him before. Johnny thought for a while, and then he told them that being up very high made him feel so very happy, happier than he had ever been in his life. It was like he was meant to live in the clouds, and if he could not do so, then he would never be happy again.

The parents looked at each other, quite troubled. But then they nodded in unison. “Johnny, we are here for you. Whatever you need, we will get it for you.” So, they let Johnny climb to his heart’s content, even though deep down, they were very afraid of what might become of such dangerous behaviour.

Things went back to normal for a few weeks, but in time, Johnny became sad once again. The parents did not like to see their son unhappy, and so they asked what the problem was. He told them that all of the other kids were able to go to the park on their own, without the parents being with them. In fact, the other kids were mocking Johnny because he always had his parents with him.

The parents looked at each other, feeling troubled. But again, they nodded in unison and said, “Johnny, we are here for you. Whatever you need, we will get it for you.” So, from that day hence, they allowed Johnny to go to the park alone. But they made sure he was aware of all the rules, testing him until he could answer all the questions properly. Only then did they allow him to venture out on his own. But deep down, they were quite worried about what might result from this turn of events.

Their fears eased over the ensuing weeks. Johnny was happy once again and it seemed like he was able to make the journey to and from the park without incident. But in time, some disturbing things began to happen. Johnny would come back bruised or scratched, and when the parents asked him what happened, he would laugh it off and say that it came from playing with the other kids. It happened to them all, he claimed, and it was nothing to worry about.

But worry they did, especially because the injuries got more and more serious. His nose was blooded on day, and his shirt was torn the next, with plenty of scrapes on knees and elbows. Johnny still claimed that it was all fun, but the parents noticed that he was not the same. He did not talk to them as much as he once did, and when they did talk, Johnny would often snap at them, complaining that they kept treating him like a child.

The parents were saddened by this, because they had devoted themselves to Johnny’s happiness. So, one day, they gathered their courage and went to his room. When Johnny let them in, the parents asked if there was anything they could do to help make his life better.  Johnny thought for a moment, and then with a slight smile, he said that he hated the curfew they gave him. The parents had made it a rule that Johnny must be home before 5 p.m., since this would make sure that he would be home for dinner, and Johnny felt that this rule took away all of his freedom. He claimed that the other kids could stay out all night if they wanted, and they were so much happier than him. Why did he have to suffer, when the others didn’t?

The parents looked at each other with tired eyes, and before long, they nodded slowly. They said, “Johnny, we are here for you. Whatever you need, we will get it for you.” So, they allowed Johnny to come and go as he wanted. This made him so happy, and when he smiled, he briefly became the boy they remembered and it made the parents smile as well.

But they did not see his smile very often after that. Every day, Johnny was out very late with his friends, sometimes well after dark. The parents would anxiously wait in the living room, and when Johnny did eventually arrive, he was often dirty, scratched head to toe, and he acted quite mean to them when they asked where he had been. When the boy went upstairs, the parents could only cling to each other in helpless sorrow.

One terrible day, Johnny did not return from the playground at all. The parents sat in the living room for hours on end, silent and fearful of what this could mean. Then, at a late hour, the phone rang. The mother answered the phone, and after a few moments, she simply collapsed on the floor, the phone falling beside her, unnoticed. The father ran to her and after speaking to her over and over again, without response, helplessly put his arms around her and feared for the worst.

And the worst had happened. Johnny had been playing on the busy, dangerous streets with his friends, ignoring all of the signs that were posted for his safety. When he attempted to catch a ball that his friend had thrown, he did not notice the large truck that was travelling very fast towards him. The driver had no chance to brake or swerve, and on that fateful evening, he struck Johnny down.

At the hospital, the parents came to Johnny’s room and after knocking, they let themselves in. Johnny was sitting in a wheelchair, all bruised and broken, and with the saddest expression on his face. The parents came to him, and with tears in their eyes, they said, “Johnny, we are here for you. Whatever you need, we will get it for you.”


Let any who has ears, hear.

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